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Trivial Nonsense

Genre : Alternative Rock

Location : South Bend, Indiana


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Trivial Nonsense is made up of the duo of Brandon Lighty (19) and Luke Mayer (18). The creative pair aims to break down existing industry norms through aggressive grass roots fan movements they have started across the country, as well as going back to the basics and focusing their energy on their art... music.


The goal of Trivial Nonsense is to create unique Alternative music inspired from all genres of music. Coming from different styles of music themselves (Brandon Lighty, lead vocalist and multi-instrumentalist through indie rock and folk, and Luke Mayer, the percussionist through rock) Trivial Nonsense brings a new and unique sound to the alternative style. A sound that has consistently sold out venues and set record attendance numbers at others.


The Heaven EP is Trivial Nonsense's response to a politically, emotionally, and physically devastating past two years. The first part in the band's larger project, this EP reflects the first part of their story, one where hope, excitement, and a youthful naiveness takes center stage. In an album that seems hopeful for the future, there is also an underlying theme of powerlessness, apathy, and deceit. In a world that looks completely different than what it did three years ago, the Heaven EP gives a nostalgic look back at what could've been done differently, while also showing the signs of what was to come had always  been there, undermining everything from the beginning.

Karben Main Stage
Karben Main Stage is a music blog for remarkable up and coming artists and musicians looking to leave their mark on the industry.

© 2018 Karben Main Stage. 

Website designed and developed by Karben Studios.

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