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top artists

Click the thumbs up icon at the top of each artist's page if you want to see them as our next Artist of the Month! 

Voting Rules

Artist of the Month is chosen based upon most likes on the last day of the month. All featured artists on the website are eligible to become Artist of the Month, except for those featured artists who have already won artist of the month previously. A “like” can only be done one time from one IP address. Multiple “likes” from multiple IP addresses will result in “like” deductions. Dislikes will not count against the artist. If the artist is not selected as Artist of the Month, they will still be able to qualify for following months if they have the most votes at the end of the month. Once an Artist of the Month is chosen, they cannot be Artist of the Month again. Votes are pulled at 5pm central time on the last day of the month. Our Top Artists page shows who is currently in the running. Please note this page gets updated on a weekly basis.

Thank you for your cooperation and good luck!

Karben Main Stage
Karben Main Stage is a music blog for remarkable up and coming artists and musicians looking to leave their mark on the industry.

© 2018 Karben Main Stage. 

Website designed and developed by Karben Studios.

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