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Genre : Hip Hop
Location : Denver, Colorado
The FAMM, which stands for Forever About Making Music, consists of Johnny Chill and Trav. These two MC’s hail from different parts of the country (Chill is from Tuscon, AZ and Trav from Whittier, California) but came together in Colorado Springs, CO. in 2008. The collaboration derived from each members desire to create memorable music and have fun. Their fun, energetic personalities, coupled with their serious talent for music helped the crew gain notoriety in various local showcases. Recently The FAMM started an online cypher called #FAMMFridays where they have currently dropped a 16 bar verse, over a different beat, every Friday for over 60 weeks straight and still running....the crew is now planning to drop a full song a week in the form of 12 EP’s dropping every month in 2018. The FAMM is currently on the rise and undeniably one of the most excited up and coming artists to watch.