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Sorg & Napoleon Maddox

Genre : Hip Hop

Location : Besançon, Franche-Comté, France

Location : Cincinnati, Ohio


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There is no stopping the rapper of Cincinnati, Napoleon Maddox! Leader of the Hip-hop/Free Jazz band, called Iswhat?!, collaborator of the saxophonist and New York poet Roy Natanhson, Archie Shepp in Phat Jam, or artistic director of the tribute show to Nina Simone "A Riot Called Nina" alongside The Boxettes and Sophia Domancich, Napoleon Maddox comes back with this brand new hip hop project tinged with electro funk and soul samples. He distills his sharp-edged and flow on productions of Sorg, a young beatmaker from Besançon (France), considered as one of the most promising of his generation after the release of his first EP "16 Diamonds".

EP bearing the Wild West piece, the result of the first meeting between the two men and premise of this new collaboration. Selected in 2017 for the contest "Les Inouïs du Printemps de Bourges", the young producer is touring with his new solo EP "Push" (June, 2017). Sorg & Napoleon Maddox  signed their 1st EP "Ribbons & Razors", released in March, 2014. An album of 6 tracks that marks the beginning of a strong collaboration across the Atlantic, with the guest singer, ArinMaya and the rap artist, Boogie Bang, both Americans.

They don’t stop there, and the 2nd EP "Soon" has been released on January, 2016. Once again, the American rapper Boogie Bang was invited on the track "Security", but also new collaborations with Gaël Faye, Smoove, and Dobet Gnahoré. In 2017, they open the frontiers and perform their first US Tour, where they created with the members of IsWhat?! a new project: "Twice The First Time". A show in which one Maddox relates the incredible (true) story of Millie-Christine McCoy, his great-grand aunts, conjoined twins born into slavery in 1851.

On stage, Sorg & Napoleon Maddox deliver an energetic and committed hip hop show which remind the audience of the golden age while exploring creatively modern sounds! The graphist and VJ, (named ease)  is also performing at their side. Their 1st album was released on February, 2018.

Karben Main Stage
Karben Main Stage is a music blog for remarkable up and coming artists and musicians looking to leave their mark on the industry.

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