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Robbery, Inc.
Genre : Alternative Rock
Location : Los Angeles, California
Robb Torres, front-man of Robbery Inc, has always been about testing his diverse limits. The accomplished guitarist, and former member of the alt-rock band Trapt, draws from his varied sonic roots while continually evolving as he moves to the front of the stage. Torres was ready for something that would test his limits not only as a
songwriter and guitarist, but also a lyricist and singer. Enter: Robbery, Inc.
Lending lead guitar and vocals for the first time in his new project, Robbery, Inc., Torres is excited to let his brand of blues infused rock speak for itself on the group's debut EP "Something About You Just Ain't Right." Torres, along with Jonah Wei-Haas on keys and Matt Camgros on drums, deliver a straightforward rock punch that brings out a certain head-nodding, air-guitaring response elicited by only the best in music that connects to the listener.
Rock is alive and well, and Robbery, Inc. is solid proof.