Tell us a little bit about yourself! When did you discover your love for music?
Music has always been part of my life. I grew up in a household where my parents listened to everything from Elvis and Temptations to Linkin Park and Madonna. As a basketball player and an athlete, music also played a huge part in my training and pre-game warm-ups. When I started DJing over 13 years ago, I never thought it would actually become a career.
We love the #DareToBe movement and your stick figure logo. Where did that inspiration come from?
Wow! Thank you for referring to #DareToBe as a movement! As my DJ career was growing I knew there was something more behind my work than just my passion for music. I wanted to use my platform to inspire people to be their best selves. I created #DareToBe along with weekly Monday Motivation videos that are posted on my social media to make a positive difference in the world. The stick figure logo represents anyone or anything in it's simplest form, daring to be something great.

You created a book recently, tell us more about that.
This one has a lot of layers to it.
Bob is my Mom's dog. A little over a year ago, my step-dad, Joe, was diagnosed with stage 4, terminal cancer. He lost his battle July 23, 2018, at the young age of 58. Admittedly, I had never lost someone so close to me and grief really isn't something you can ever prepare for. I put my grief into action when I started walking Bob, the girl, and taking photos of her all over downtown Milwaukee. Quickly the photos snowballed into a five-month project that I couldn't be more proud of. This was all done while keeping it a secret from my Mom which wasn't easy, given that she is the CEO of Milwaukee Downtown, BID #21.
The Adventures of Bob and Downtown Milwaukee was a collaborative effort with many people involved that care about my Mom and Milwaukee.
All proceeds from the book are going to Key To Change (www.keytochangemke.com), a nonprofit campaign created to assist the chronically homeless population within the Milwaukee community. Not only is this an important issue for the city of Milwaukee, but helping put a stop to chronic homelessness was very near and dear to my Mom and Joe's hearts. They both believed in prosperity for all, not just a select few. I see that you also own a clothing brand, tell us more about that.
Having my own clothing line was something that I have always wanted so, naturally, I used #DareToBe as a vehicle to make that happen. The message has inspired people locally, nationally and internationally. I am always humbled when people share photos in their #DareToBe gear and tell me what #DareToBe means to them. You can check it our for yourself at daretobeclothing.com.
It sounds like you've had the opportunity to perform lots of awesome shows. What has been your favorite performance so far, and why?
Thank you, I have had a lot of amazing opportunities to perform and enjoyed every single one of them! If I had to pick a favorite it would have to be the 2018 Women's Final Four in Columbus. It was a chance for me to bring my two passions together: music and basketball. I'll always be a basketball player so to DJ and emcee in front of such an amazing crowd of basketball fans made me happier than I can put into words.
How has your hometown of Milwaukee, WI influenced or helpe you develop as an artist? Milwaukee is home- I work, live and play in downtown Milwaukee and I can't see myself living anywhere else. From before I can remember my Mom has always taught me my community is my family. I know when I perform I represent myself, my family and my city. I want to uplift Milwaukee. I'm proud of the development and growth here and I want to continue to be a part of it.
What can we expect to see from you in 2018 and beyond?
The sky is the limit! This week I announced a new collaboration with 97.3 NOW- The No Pants Party with DJ Shawna. So, every Saturday night from 11 pm to 3 am CT you can find me live on the 97.3 NOW airwaves. I am working hard and I'm not stopping! I'm wicked excited to see what 2018 brings!
- Where can people go to learn more about you?
I would love it if people would check out my website DJShawna.com and you can find me on social media, Facebook Instagram and Twitter, @DJShawna. Also, to learn more about #DareToBe: daretobeclothing.com.