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Pat Waters
Genre : Country
Location : Bridgeport, Texas
He is a tall Texan with a voice and a spirit as big as the Lone Star State. From his outstanding originals to all your favorite covers, you can't get enough of that rangy, baritone voice. He brings a breath of Texas to every stage he graces.
Who is this tall Texan? None other than Pat Waters, a sixth generation Texan, who brings his faith and love of family into every performance. His favorite childhood memories involve the very people who taught him the life lessons of hard work and respect. “My granddad always preached to me that if you do something you love, you will never work a day in your life. I believe that with all my heart and it allows me to be passionate about my music.”Pat brings a big Texas sound to the stage with “Real” music that replicates an honest, hardworking life, a man who loves the Lord, fiercely provides for his family and is dedicated to his fans. You can find him on stages across America, doing what he loves, guitar in hand, cowboy hat on his head. When asked about that signature hat, Pat said, “I put that cowboy hat on my head with pride because it stands for something. I believe wearing a hat is about the presentation of who you are as a man. In my eyes, it stands for a man that believes in the principles of life...the Lord first and family next.”
You'll find Pat Waters, on stages across Texas and all around the world. His music plays on radio stations large and small and his crowds follow him all over. You'll find not only a fierce and loyal Texan, but a great friend along the trail.