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Myles Jéh

Genre : Hip Hop / R&B

Location : Springfield, Massachusetts


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Myles Jeh is an artist from Springfield, Massachusetts who is growing his reputation as a singer/rapper. Myles connected with music at an early age and started his performance career at local open mics. He now performs at festivals and venues that are open to diverse crowds. With an expanding LGBTQ fan base, Myles is set to perform at several upcoming Pride festivals, and opened up for the headliner at Pittsburgh Pride 2017.


He is known for his laid-back and low tone, but can energize a crowd with ease; all he needs is a wireless microphone. Myles released his debut project Mylestones on October 1, 2015. Singles from the album landed Myles the opportunities to feature on music blogs, share the stage with the great Jennifer Hudson, as well as open up for Kirstin Maldonado of Pentatonix.

Karben Main Stage
Karben Main Stage is a music blog for remarkable up and coming artists and musicians looking to leave their mark on the industry.

© 2018 Karben Main Stage. 

Website designed and developed by Karben Studios.

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