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Erik Parian
Genre : Pop
Location : Nashville, Tennessee
There's really no way to know what to expect next from Erik Parian.
Originally from Northern New Jersey, Parian spent his first 12 weeks in Nashville living out of his car. Befriending the homeless, meeting countless tourists, performing on the street, getting mugged. In all its craziness, this experience helped him become the artist he is today.
Erik's sound draws from his childhood days listening to 90s rock and alternative bands of the 2000s; his love for the catchy, relatable hooks of pop; and listening to his father's Beatle's-heavy playlists growing up.
Lyrically, he tends to gravitate toward the deeper and darker side of life. Purpose, depression, mistakes, angst...yet he still finds space to comment on love.
After gaining a buzz in the Nashville scene armed with just his acoustic guitar, Erik now plays with his band wielding his 5 song debut EP. The tunes seem to reflect his personality: Outgoing and approachable, yet weird and dark all at the same time.
Erik's brand of pop is different than most--using mostly live instruments sprinkled with electronic ear candy.