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Deborah Cher

Genre : Americana

Location : New York, New York


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Deborah Cher is a singer, guitar player, poet, writer and performer in New York City. A multidisciplinary musician, her latest EP Season of Stone, is an acoustic Americana album with a neo-noir slant. Written around the experience of losing her father, Season of stone is a powerful ode to loss that highlights Deborah’s unique lyrical style, captivating voice and genre-bending creativity.


Originally hailing from Montreal, Deborah's debut album ‘Partie pour chercher quek' chose de chaud’ was released in Canada with the help of a full production grant from ‘Musique Action!’ and contained songs in both French and English. Her voice has been heard on many Canadian TV shows, and her song Searching for the Light was featured on Canada’s award winning drama ‘La Galère’. Deborah also sings and writes for Sci-fi electro-rock band Leftwich.

Karben Main Stage
Karben Main Stage is a music blog for remarkable up and coming artists and musicians looking to leave their mark on the industry.

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Website designed and developed by Karben Studios.

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