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Cosmonaut Radio

Genre : Indie Funk Rock

Location : Brooklyn, New York


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We are Cosmonaut Radio, and we're here to spread peace and love across the universe with our special mixture of mystical melodies, sexy syncopations, and badass beats. With a funky sound that branches out to incorporate all types of musical styles, you may find your body overpowered by an uncontrollable urge to get down and/or boogie. Come with us for an intergalactic party where everyone's invited!


With influences including David Bowie, Parliament/Funkadelic, The Temptations, and Led Zeppelin, the overarching musical philosophy of Cosmonaut Radio's newest release "Work Harder, Comrade!" is to create funk rock tracks that make you move your body. By focusing on an upbeat blend of funk, modern rock, and old school R&B, Cosmonaut Radio creates a sound that is fresh, familiar, and inventive, weaving a tight melodic groove with subtle rhythmic complexities. Cosmonaut Radio’s music philosophy extends to the stage, where they sport Russian military gear, wield nunchaku, and are willing to try anything to augment their brash, fun energy.

Karben Main Stage
Karben Main Stage is a music blog for remarkable up and coming artists and musicians looking to leave their mark on the industry.

© 2018 Karben Main Stage. 

Website designed and developed by Karben Studios.

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