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Brewster Moonface
Genre : Blues
Location : New York City, New York
In a world of auto-tune, songs by committee and laptops on stage, Brewster Moonface stands in stark contrast with its vocal driven blues and minimalist nail driving rhythm section. There are no meat suits or disco balls here, just plain honest roots, blues and soul from the center of the world – New York City. If NYC is the city that never sleeps then Brewster Moonface is the gritty diesel engine of music that keeps it awake and dancing.
Founded in New York City Brewster Moonface set out with the simple mission of bringing the blues back to the mainstream and then to push it to the next step. Since forming they have been featured on City World Radio, Dennis Has a Podcast and numerous other broadcasts and have played throughout the East, South and Midwest. In addition, Julie has been named a Singer Universe featured vocalist and a Women of Substance Radio winner. But most importantly they have been featured in the dimly lit clubs, alleyways and street-corners of world always on the mission of “Bringing Back the Blues!”