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Blac Ken
Genre : Rap
Location : Waco, Texas
Born David Bentley the third on May 1st, 2002 in Jacksonville Florida, father David Bentley Jr. and mother Shann Hardy wanted a life for David better than they had. When Ken was 3 years old he discovered his love for music, singing amazing grace all day long in his grandmother's house. It was when Ken was in the 3rd grade he found out about his idol Nicki Minaj. “I remember I was in the laundry mat and my sister was playing a song by Nicki and it was 'Itty Bitty Piggy'. When I heard that’ song I fell in love and I knew that this women would have a huge impact on my life because I acted just like her and she made me feel like it was okay to be weird and it was okay to have fun.” -Blac Ken
When Ken was in the 3rd grade he gave his singing a break and started rapping and writing his own songs. It was at that moment Ken wanted a career in rapping. Starting off at high school he went through a lot, but at the same time he found out who he was and also coming out to his father and step mom that he was gay. He used rapping as a way to express himself. He started doing short freestyles on Instagram, but when he saw the feedback he was getting he started to take rapping more serious. He moved to Waco Texas to live with his mom, started working at Taco Bell to pay for studio time and photo shoots. He is an upcoming rapper and he’s the next big thing, this is Blac Ken.