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Anthony M.
Genre : Pop/R&B
Location : Chicago
Anthony has always stated that from the age of three-years old he knew exactly what he wanted to become in life, and that was an entertainer. While watching a videotaped recording of Michael Jackson’s 1992 Dangerous Tour HBO special, the young toddler mimicked every move while stating that one day he himself would attract and touch as many people in his crowds as “that man.” Not knowing then that “that man” was Michael Jackson, the biggest Pop star in musical history.
Anthony’s musical journey began at the tender age of seven when a classmate introduced him to a song and dance group called The Happiness Club that of which was a performing song and dance group of inner city kids from Chicago and surrounding areas that performed original material with powerful messages saying no to drugs, gangs and violence while saying yes to high self esteem, racial harmony and education.
It was through The Happiness Club that Anthony had the privilege of performing for numerous schools, festivals, television shows and high end events, even opening up and performing for many big names such as Boyz II Men, Mariah Carey, Isaac Hayes, President Bill Clinton, Senator Colin Powell and In 2002, The Happiness Club even toured Paris, France performing for the Royalty Of Paris.
While in The Happiness Club, one day Anthony’s grandmother was approached by another parent suggesting that because of Anthony’s high energy, charisma and talents, she should consider looking into getting the then nine year old Anthony into acting and modeling. Taking up on the well received advice, Anthony scored representation from some of the top Talent Agencies in Chicago like McBlaine Talent & Associates, Lily’s and Stewart’s Talent Agencies. He went on to land commercial acting and modeling gigs for some of the biggest brands in the world such as, Sears, McDonald’s, Whirlpool, Quaker Oats, Kellogg’s and even acting along side a then unknown actress Ke-Ke Palmer in 1-2-3 Magic, a film and program that offers parents, pediatricians, mental health professionals, grandparents, teachers and even babysitters a simple and gentle -but-firm approach to managing the behavior of 2 to 12-year-olds.
At 13 years old, his dreams of becoming the world’s next biggest superstar burned hotter than ever. When Anthony’s father seen the passion and seriousness in his son when it came to achieving his musical endeavors, Anthony Sr. took on the role as young Anthony’s manager booking studio sessions, live performances, interviews and even going as far as purchasing music equipment setting up young Anthony Jr’s first home recording studio where he would spend most if not all of his time writing, performing and producing music of his own. Anthony was what we called an “old soul” and eclectic when it came to music. He would write, experiment and practice using many different styles, melodies and harmonies, studying and mastering different elements from all of the musical artist’s and entertainers he’d taken a liking to over the years such as Michael & Janet Jackson, Whitney Houston, Craig David, James Brown, Prince, Etta James, Sam Cook, Beyonce, Johnny Taylor, Patsy Cline and Latin Tejano Superstar Selena, just to name a very small few.
He went on and continued performing his now solo music around the city of Chicago and rather it was being in front of an audience or in front of the camera, he always delivered.
At 18 years old a family member had spoken with Anthony about a well known heavy-hitting Chicago Music producer by the name of Benjamin Osafo also well-known as “The Funkman.” In the spring of 2007, Anthony and Chicago Producer Benjamin “Funkman” Osafo came face to face.
With 25 years in the business designing and developing artists, it didn’t take long for Funkman to recognize that there was something exceptional about Anthony. Not only was he a gifted singer and dancer, he also displayed a humility, passion and dedication to his craft rarely seen in somebody so young. Sensing that Anthony had the drive and talent needed to make it to the top, Funkman immediately took Anthony under his wing and a partnership in the spirit of Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones had just been born in the heart of Chicago. They quickly began the ground work for the type of artist Anthony seen himself becoming and the kind of artist Funkman knew he was to be. They entrenched themselves in the studio for almost two years working night and day to create a new Chicago sound that embraced Hip Hop, R&B, and Pop styles but that was also infused with Latin and African rhythms. With the tone, sound, music, imagine and stage performance set, Anthony released his first two -single CD “Lay With U” & “Waiting For Tonight” in the summer of 2009. Everyone took notice and Anthony M. was seen as a force to be reckoned with.
From every live performance, radio interview and appearance people took notice quickly, skyrocketing Anthony into the people’s champ. From a boy with a dream now a young man with a vision, his faith and determination is now stronger than ever and the he’s stopping at nothing to fulfill what he know’s he was put on this earth to become.